Cosmetic Dentistry

Smile Design

With modern dental restorative materials, a tooth that needs to be restored should end up looking like a tooth. Ugly fillings and crowns ought to be things of the past. All dentistry should be carried out with aesthetics in mind. We want our clients to be able to smile with confidence and sometimes the best way to achieve your ideal smile is to design it from the outset.

The Smile Design process involves expert laboratory input, with the development of your Trial Smile, which, if you are happy with, is converted to final ceramic (porcelain) crowns and/or veneers 2 weeks later.

Tooth Whitening

For clients who are satisfied with their smile but would like brighter teeth, we can use safe whitening gels in well-fitting custom-made tooth whitening trays to give you a dazzling smile within 2 weeks.